I just finished shopping for my boyfriend and my Dad and got some really great deals on things that I know they would love.
Here are some ideas that I thought would be helpful to you since there are only a few weeks left before Christmas. Here’s what I found… These are some awesome gifts for men!
Here are a couple of gifts I found for my man:
Automatic Pepper Mill - My guy loves pepper! He likes to cook (I'm so glad he does because I don't) and he always adds way to much pepper. LOL!
We buy the container that you have to twist at Costco but they are always kind of hard to twist and they get all over your hands when you do it. And he is always talking about getting an automatic pepper mill, so why not?
I thought he would love this gift so here it is... The automatic pepper mill.
Check it out, I got it here for a pretty good price.

A Breakfast Sandwich Maker - I don't know about your guy but mine loves to eat! He is obsessed!
He is always talking about food. OMG! It drives me crazy but I don't really like to cook so I thought this would be great for him.
I could just go to the store and get all of the ingredients and he can just put it all together and stick it into this sandwich maker. Voila! It's easy and quick for him and he's got an instant breakfast or lunch.
Here is the one I got! Click here to get yours!
If you are shopping for your Dad or your Grandfather click here for some more great ideas!